Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment

Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment


You probably will have heard the two statements

  • Be patient, it takes time for everything to get in place.
  • Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment.

Now every quote has a counter quote, and this can become confusing at times. Patience is definitely a good trait to have, but you have to maintain a balance between aggressiveness toward your goals and being patient. You can find a ton of motivational videos and content on the internet on what to do and what not to do, and I am just a mere mortal who is providing his two cents.

Create your own opportunities, step by step. Do not keep waiting for everything to be perfect. Things never will be in place for you to begin.

No angel is going to come and whisper in your ear “Now is the time, go for it!”. It just will not happen. Go and start doing what you think is important and makes you happy. Start small and keep working towards it. Everything will come later.

The best example I can cite right now is this blog. There is not even a good theme installed! I am yet to plan out a logo for the same. The person I started this with is supposedly very busy to contribute as of now.

But, I still keep doing things. I keep installing and trying SEO plugins on the backend. I started this almost a month ago, and this is nowhere good enough compared to what I had before at Tech4every1, but I am not a college student anymore. Heck, going to a 9-8 job every day and still maintaining a blog is not an easy task. But I keep crawling towards the destination and keep writing as often as I can. It is you who has to take control and charge with everything you have got!

And here’s a good video presented at I/O last to last year which I really like.

So go and grab the opportunity. Why are you still here? Plan everything, NOW! Begin. Create the moment, make things happen

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