Using counters in CSS to number elements automatically

3 years ago

Ordered lists have been an important part of web design for quite a while now. If we needed more control…

How to remove a property from a JavaScript object

3 years ago

There are two ways to remove a property from a JavaScript object: one is the mutable way of doing it…

Script to change Zoom virtual background every day

3 years ago

Over the past few months, I found a new use of the pictures that I have clicked while hiking. I…

Optimizing JavaScript loading with defer and async attributes

3 years ago

We are all used to using the script tag to load external JavaScript files in our HTML. Traditionally, the only…

Web NFC is a thing now

3 years ago

NFC or Near Field Communication is a short-range wireless technology that allows devices at a distance of less than 10cm…

Progressive JPEG: what and how they help improve web performance

3 years ago

A progressive JPEG image is a JPEG image that is encoded in a different manner than a baseline JPEG. It…

The Pomodoro Technique: Productivity hacks

3 years ago

The irony of time management productivity tips is that the people who need them the most do not realize that…

React fragments: What and Why

4 years ago

React fragments were a feature released in React 16.2. They have been around for a while now but have been…

Using Sub Resource Integrity to secure web applications

4 years ago

Sub Resource Integrity (SRI) is a security feature that can be used to validate that the resources that the browser…

Measuring JavaScript execution time

4 years ago

When it comes to performance of applications, measuring performance becomes important. For anything to be optimized, it must be measured…
