Saransh Kataria

Using ES6 today: The future of javascript has arrived

Most of you would already be aware that javascript is an implementation of ECMAScript (ES). ES is the standardized language…

9 years ago

Should I cross post between Medium, LinkedIn and my website?

Most people have, at some point, thought of using a blog vs using a publishing platform such as Medium or…

9 years ago

What is end to end encryption?

With the recent roll out of end to end encryption by Whatsapp, the largest messaging service, everyone has been talking…

9 years ago

The first follower

Sometimes in life, you sit down with yourself and introspect on all that has happened in the past. And you get…

9 years ago

Getting started with Gulp

After I made my choice from the Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm confusion I had, Gulp turned out to be…

9 years ago

Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm: Javascript build wars

You might have already made the choice among Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm already. Or you might be totally confused…

9 years ago

Getting started with Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is the latest cross platform editor by Microsoft and I started looking into it since I wanted…

9 years ago

How to remove yourself from someone’s twitter list

Lists are often ignored by most people on Twitter. Twitter lists can be a great way to organize your contacts.…

9 years ago