Saransh Kataria

How to disable Windows 10’s animations to speed it up

How to disable Windows 10’s animations to speed it up

  • October 26, 2015

Everyone quickly jumped to Windows 10 considering it was a free upgrade and most of the response for the operating system has been good in comparison to what it was for the previous editions of Windows. But I personally found it to be a bit slow or maybe it was...

What is SASS and why you should use it

What is SASS and why you should use it

  • September 2, 2015

I have been playing a lot with CSS these days, and then I came across the concepts of using variables inside it. I came to know of two ways to do so, SASS and LESS. I was eager to try both out but it was only possible one at a...

Goodbye Tech4every1

Goodbye Tech4every1

  • August 17, 2015

It all started somewhere in August 2011. Me and Somin Wadhwa, a friend who lives nearby, started it since we found it difficult to find applications for Symbian online and we knew people had the same problem as well. So we started a Facebook page for it and posting things. But...

Install Hyper-V and HAXM on the same machine

Install Hyper-V and HAXM on the same machine

  • July 19, 2015

If you are into mobile application development and wanted to install both Hyper-V (Microsoft’s hardware virtualization component) and HAXM (Intel’s Hardware Execution Manager) on the same machine, chances are you probably faced an error on installing the second one after installing one. And who likes working on slow emulators when...

Hackulture: A new beginning

Hackulture: A new beginning

  • June 21, 2015

There are times when you have an idea and you go crazy thinking about it, you wish to implement it but you have no clue on how to proceed. Hackulture is one such initiative, which is currently going through the same phase of not knowing how it will get implemented...

How to create your own WiFi booster

How to create your own WiFi booster

  • May 31, 2015

One of the most frequent question asked when it comes to WiFi is if we can somehow extend the range of our router. You can purchase a repeater/ WiFi booster from the market to do the job if you wish to. But it is so much fun to do it yourself. For those people...

The power of yes or no in a conversation

The power of yes or no in a conversation

  • May 20, 2015

A simple yes or no can be a life-changing event considering the context it is used in. People often tend to overlook the complexity of a few simple terms and this is true for all aspects of life. We keep looking for more challenging things and ignore the small ones....

Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment

Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment

  • May 9, 2015

You probably will have heard the two statements Be patient, it takes time for everything to get in place. Do not keep waiting for the opportune moment. Now every quote has a counter quote, and this can become confusing at times. Patience is definitely a good trait to have, but you...