Saransh Kataria

How to setup GatsbyJS starter with TypeScript and ESLint

How to setup GatsbyJS starter with TypeScript and ESLint

  • May 10, 2020

Gatsby has become fairly popular in the last couple of years and it has starting becoming the go to static site generator for a lot of projects. The smooth developer experience and the warm community has enriched the adoption even more. TypeScript has had a similar growth curve and has...

JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any

JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any

  • December 3, 2019

Promises have not been a new concept in the javascript community. They have existed in the ecosystem for a long time. JavaScript promises existed even before they were officially made a part of the ECMAScript spec in ES6. These initial implementations of JavaScript promise were in the form of framework...

Using Emotion js in a react project

Using Emotion js in a react project

  • July 2, 2019

CSS in JS is a fairly controversial topic depending on who you talk to. What it gives you is the ability to do is write all your styling in javascript instead of creating a separate CSS file. I really like CSS in JS because it solves some of the major...

How to setup ESLint for Typescript code

How to setup ESLint for Typescript code

  • March 19, 2019

The Typescript team recently announced its road map. Interestingly, they have decided to not focus on TSLint any more and focus their efforts on ESLint for Typescript linting instead. This is a great thing for the community overall since ESLint becomes the defacto linting tool going forward. In this post,...

How to setup Typescript with Babel and Webpack

How to setup Typescript with Babel and Webpack

  • February 12, 2019

After seeing a lot of projects making the move to Typescript, I recently started to give it a shot as well. For people who are not aware of typescript, it is a wrapper over javascript which has built-in support for types. We get static checking for our code as well...