
How to setup GatsbyJS starter with TypeScript and ESLint

Gatsby has become fairly popular in the last couple of years and it has starting becoming the go to static…

5 years ago

JavaScript Promise combinators: race, all, allSettled, any

Promises have not been a new concept in the javascript community. They have existed in the ecosystem for a long…

5 years ago

Rest and Spread operator: Three dots that changed JavaScript

The rest and spread operator have changed the way I do a lot of things in JavaScript and I have…

5 years ago

Using Retrofit 2 and GSON for parsing JSON in Android

We have previously written about parsing JSON in Android without using any libraries in this post. In this one, we…

6 years ago

Using Emotion js in a react project

CSS in JS is a fairly controversial topic depending on who you talk to. What it gives you is the…

6 years ago

How to use a Service Worker to create Progressive Web Applications?

The web is and probably always be an ever-evolving platform. Even though most of us have a decent internet connection…

6 years ago

How to setup Jest in a TypeScript, Babel and Webpack project

As you might know, I have been diving into setting up a boilerplate for a TypeScript project with React. And…

6 years ago

How to setup ESLint for Typescript code

The Typescript team recently announced its road map. Interestingly, they have decided to not focus on TSLint any more and…

6 years ago

How to setup Typescript with Babel and Webpack

After seeing a lot of projects making the move to Typescript, I recently started to give it a shot as…

6 years ago

Using React.memo() in React 16.6

React 16.6 was released a couple of days and and it brings a couple of new features. One of these…

6 years ago