
Programming 101: Tips to become a good programmer

Programming 101: Tips to become a good programmer

  • May 19, 2016

One of the most popular questions from inexperienced programmers is about the quest of becoming a good programmer. Aspiring programmers are often found cutting corners and not following some of the basics of good programming. As my first blog post ever, it would make sense to write about the most basic etiquettes of...

Using ES6 today: The future of javascript has arrived

Using ES6 today: The future of javascript has arrived

  • May 12, 2016

Most of you would already be aware that javascript is an implementation of ECMAScript (ES). ES is the standardized language specification, and javascript is the dialect or the implementation. After the ES5 standardization in 2009, there were no updates to it. And since then, javascript has evolved a lot. It...

Getting started with Gulp

Getting started with Gulp

  • February 10, 2016

After I made my choice from the Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm confusion I had, Gulp turned out to be my task runner for a project. And in this post, I will explain what you get with it. The first thing you need to know is that gulp uses streams...

Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm: Javascript build wars

Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm: Javascript build wars

  • January 12, 2016

You might have already made the choice among Grunt Vs Gulp Vs npm already. Or you might be totally confused what all these are. All these are automation tools used during or after development. Some people might be confused that why do we even need a build process for javascript?...

Getting started with Visual Studio Code

Getting started with Visual Studio Code

  • December 19, 2015

Visual Studio Code is the latest cross platform editor by Microsoft and I started looking into it since I wanted a fast editor which provided me Intellisense similar to what Visual Studio provides. At first I thought it is an IDE, but it is not. It is a code optimized...

What is SASS and why you should use it

What is SASS and why you should use it

  • September 2, 2015

I have been playing a lot with CSS these days, and then I came across the concepts of using variables inside it. I came to know of two ways to do so, SASS and LESS. I was eager to try both out but it was only possible one at a...

Hackulture: A new beginning

Hackulture: A new beginning

  • June 21, 2015

There are times when you have an idea and you go crazy thinking about it, you wish to implement it but you have no clue on how to proceed. Hackulture is one such initiative, which is currently going through the same phase of not knowing how it will get implemented...