
Fix: Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match what was rendered on the server

Within a React or Next.js app, if you encounter the error "Hydration failed because the initial UI does not match…

12 months ago

Why should we not use index as key in React Lists

When working with React, developers often come across the need to render lists of items efficiently. Every item in a…

1 year ago

Using Font Awesome with React

Font Awesome is a great resource to use various types of icons in your project including well-known social media icons…

2 years ago

How to write comments in React (JSX)?

I was recently trying to comment out some logic inside my JSX to add context about what a potentially complex…

2 years ago

Automatic batching in React 18 helps avoid re-rendering

Remember the earlier versions of React that used to batch multiple state updates inside event handlers such as click or…

3 years ago

How to convert a React component to an image

Sometimes you want to give the users the ability to download a part of the web application as an image.…

3 years ago

React fragments: What and Why

React fragments were a feature released in React 16.2. They have been around for a while now but have been…

4 years ago

Why does React state need a new object/array?

If you have been using React for a while, you are familiar with how state update works. There are a…

4 years ago

Avoiding race conditions and memory leaks in React useEffect

Let us take a look at an implementation of getting data from an API request and see if there is…

4 years ago

Using the useCallback React hook

The useCallback React hook is a useful hook that can help in optimizing the rendering performance of our functional React…

4 years ago