
How to remove yourself from someone’s twitter list


Lists are often ignored by most people on Twitter. Twitter lists can be a great way to organize your contacts. More often than not, they are not used for that purpose.

Someone recently added me to a Twitter list which was not appropriate for my account. There was no way to remove me from the list since it was not created by me. Hence I googled about a way to remove myself from the list and on finding not many articles, I wrote this post.

To know which lists you are subscribed to, you can simply go to your profile on the web, and click lists in the menu that shows on clicking your profile picture towards the right of your top bar. A page shows up wherein it shows tabs named “subscribed to” and “Member of”.

The steps to remove yourself from another person’s Twitter list are pretty simple:

  • Go to the list you have been added to
  • Visit the profile of the person who created the list
  • Block them for a few seconds
  • Unblock them (if you wish to)

The steps mentioned are easy to follow. This will lead to you both unfollowing each other. Also, it is worth noting that this will remove you from all lists of the person’s account. So if there is some list from the person you want to stay on, and some you don’t, you might request the person to remove you instead of blocking them.

Another thing worth noting is that if the person deleted their account after creating the list, you need to contact Twitter for assistance on the matter or wait for 90 days for the list to be removed (provided the person does not re-login in between).

Saransh Kataria

Born in Delhi, India, Saransh Kataria is the brain behind Wisdom Geek. Currently, Saransh is a software developer at a reputed firm in Austin, and he likes playing with new technologies to explore different possibilities. He holds an engineering degree in Computer Science. He also shares his passion for sharing knowledge as the community lead at Facebook Developer Circle Delhi, NCR which is a developer community in Delhi, India.

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  • How do i go to the profile? The only thing that happens when I tap the notice is going to the list there's nothing there to tap to find the creator, I can't find the profile through the search feature, too many carry the same name. No @ ID on it to use.

  • WHY would you bother unblocking some fool that puts you on trashy lists? Once you block them the list mention on your profile goes away!

    • Varies from one person to another. Though usually one wouldn't want to unblock them but you always have the option.

      • When someone puts me on one of those crazy lists, I do want to block them. But I'm not thinking about the other lists I've been put on, where it's not mean-spirited. I suppose someone might just want to get off of a list that's not trashy,

    • I hate keeping block lists—too many people online are very quick to block in order to protect their echo chambers. I don't want to become one of them.

    • Good question. I wasn't sure if blocking and unblocking actually made a difference, so I blocked, unblocked and blocked again. I'll just block them from now on.

  • Someone added me to a dumb list and their account is missing. Problem is... this was over 1 year ago, I'm pretty sure 90 days have passed.

    • Either the person logs in between, or has blocked you or some other thing. I am not a twitter employee. Maybe support can help you with this.

  • When you navigate to the list you've been added to & wish to get off of, how do you find the person who created the list?
    Have tried everything & cant find creator of lists I dont want to be on...

  • thanks for the post its very helpful since I got added to about 900 lists on twitter over the past few months and now thanks to this post i can final clean them out

    • Welcome. So happy that you were able to remove your account from twitter lists and that we helped you do it!

    • Are you sure you blocked the right person? That did remove a lot of people from twitter lists as others have pointed out in comments here.

  • I just blocked a pos who added me to a very stupid list, waited a little bit, unblocked them and checked... it did not remove me, I am still in their idiotic list.

  • I think Twitter should add an option to accept being added to these lists. It's wrong to automatically include people without their permission.

    • I totally agree with you. Twitter lists should have an option to enable asking for permission before simply being added to them. It would make life much more simpler than having to find out how to leave a twitter list

  • how do you tell who created the list you are on?
    I went to the list and there are 48 including me and I never signed up for it
    They all but ignore me if I tweet something so what's the point?
    There is no way I can unsub either when I look at the list as there is in DM

    • The other people in the twitter list might have just been added like you. Below the name of the list, there will be a line saying "Public list by" and the link to the account that created it. Click on that account, block, unblock (if you want to).

Published by
Saransh Kataria

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