How to setup ESLint for Typescript code

How to setup ESLint for Typescript code

  • March 19, 2019

The Typescript team recently announced its road map. Interestingly, they have decided to not focus on TSLint any more and focus their efforts on ESLint for Typescript linting instead. This is a great thing for the community overall since ESLint becomes the defacto linting tool going forward. In this post,...

How to setup Typescript with Babel and Webpack

How to setup Typescript with Babel and Webpack

  • February 12, 2019

After seeing a lot of projects making the move to Typescript, I recently started to give it a shot as well. For people who are not aware of typescript, it is a wrapper over javascript which has built-in support for types. We get static checking for our code as well...

5 Community Management Tips For Effective Moderation

5 Community Management Tips For Effective Moderation

  • January 8, 2019

I have already written a detailed post about my experiences as a community manager in the past. It was a generic one containing some interesting insights life pro tips as well. However, in trying to make it generic, I omitted some community management tips that I wanted to share. I...

3 Simple strategies to help you to stick to your goals

3 Simple strategies to help you to stick to your goals

  • December 18, 2018

Whenever we start thinking of making fresh starts, we tend to prepare a list of short-term goals that we want to achieve. And most of us (9 out of 10 people) end up not fulfilling our goals/resolutions. In this post, we will talk about simple tips that help you to...

Using React.memo() in React 16.6

Using React.memo() in React 16.6

  • October 26, 2018

React 16.6 was released a couple of days and and it brings a couple of new features. One of these is React.lazy() which is something that requires a separate post in itself along with React Suspense. The other one, which we will talk about in this post is React.memo(). What...

How to import/export ES6 modules in Node

How to import/export ES6 modules in Node

  • June 19, 2018

If you have been following the javascript ecosystem for a while, you already know that even though ES6 modules are a thing, you still cannot import/export ES6 modules in node.js as of today. Node 10 experimental flag for importing/exporting ES6 modules in Node Though Node 10 has added an experimental...